Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi, friends.
The 'A Wrinkle in Time' quotes will take all week.
Right now, here are two'Leaf by Niggle' quotes.
Sorry there are only two!
Photography Graphics

I strongly recommend you read the story, it's short but captivating, very interesting.
The photo above is not quite Niggle's leaf though, haha!
Just thought I'd put a leaf in for the atmosphere.

he had no 'time of his own' (except alone in his bed-cell), and yet he was becoming master of time; he began to know just what he could do with it. There was no sense of rush. He was quieter inside now, and at resting-time he could really rest. 
There was once a little man called Niggle, who had a long journey to make. He did not want to go, indeed the whole idea was distasteful to him; but he could not get out of it. He knew he would have to start some time, but he did not hurry with his preparations.