Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photography Graphics, Photography Graphics for Myspace
Listening to

Why isn't it part of my mixpod again?
Well updates are,
1. I love my coconut lip balm, I apply it unnecessarily every few minutes.
2. Bright eyes has a new song leaked, which makes me very, very happy. Why isn't Bright Eyes on my mixpod again? Got songs to add...
3. The Ghost that Carried us Away is great. Mom says that their voices are pretty strengthless, but quite plaintively speaking, this music gives me so much strength.
Ooh also guys, listen to this:
Yeah, go BOH.
Did you guys know that it was the Jobro's favourite album of '10? :)
Was very happy when I found out.
Probably going to get off the computer and bury my nose in The Return of The King in a bit. Sam is the best.

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