Secondly, Happy birthday to:
1. JK Rowling, who wrote the series that changed my life, and
2. Harry Potter, the hero of said series, who also changed my life!
Probably won't launch into my 'How Harry Potter Changed My Life' speech, but you lovelies know I mean it to be true! I'll re-read a couple of my favorite moments from the book to celebrate, and come to think of it, I might make a book of Harry Potter spells that I can add to my shelf... if I go into a frenzy and become very dedicated to this project I might even colour-code the spells according to which books they were
used in, or include fun-facts! There's an example shown below (Credits to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_spells_in_Harry_Potter for assistance). Well, I've got to go now! Will check back later for Pottermore updates!
1. Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)This is probably my first decent blog post in a while, by the way. Mischief Managed.
Pronunciation: Eks-pel-ee-ar-məs
Description: This spell disarms another wizard, usually causing their wand to fly out of reach.
Fun Fact: Expelliarmus is considered as Harry's trademark spell.
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