I apologize for the rather lengthy absence in blogging! I've been busy.
I'm going back to Taiwan tomorrow for the first time in over 2 years, which is really lovely because I miss it so much! I wonder how it's changed!
I'm currently reading: "The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce. I also intended on tackling "Dubliners" (by him as well) over the Easter break, so I borrowed a fattish volume containing the two books above.
Now, I don't mean to be superficial, but I sort of regret borrowing the huge volume instead of the two separate books. For 4 silly reasons...
1. I prefer the covers of the two separate books.
2. I prefer the font of the two separate books.
3. I prefer clutching 2 books under my arm.
4. The cover of "The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" was a gorgeous lime green that matched my wristband and contained 100% recyclable material.
Well, that was me being perfectly honest!
I'm glad I've got the book though, I'm going to really enjoy reading over the holidays.
I'll be getting a load of reading done -- hours on the plane, train rides, and when I'm having chill-time in hotel rooms or at my relatives' homes.
I'm bringing my notebook there so I can write everyday, too! Will be writing a lot. This is a good time to mention that I'm going to go see the 'cloud sea' up on Alishan. It will be beautiful and I'll be wanting to write down how it was the moment I see it. Very excited. I remember planning a Taiwan soundtrack to bring with me so I could listen to songs during my trip, but I don't think that will be happening.
Over the summer, I'll spend my Dymocks coupon to buy 1 or 2 books and also tackle "Odysseus" which is curiously lying at home! Great!
Well, before I go, I wanted to share the things I learned about my name and birth date today, but then realized that it will probably make you uncomfortable (as it had slightly made me) and for safety reasons, I'll choose not to, haha!
I'll say that I agree with some of it and disagree with the rest.
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