Have a list of things to talk about today!
This morning, I set off for basketball a bit later, but halfway through I felt the initiative and compel to phone home and tell my siblings to come along.
My little sister did, but not my twin brother.
Anyway, we had fun, and I plan on getting Henry to join in next time.
Is there a term to annotate a specific word which triggers an immediate and ineluctable mental impulse?
For me, that 'trigger-word' is butterfly.
That's why I uploaded the photo of a butterfly on the previous post.
I missed a layup today (or did I score? I cannot recall) and as I lifted my head to the skies to catch the falling ball, something so ethereal and recherché came floating down from the net that at first I thought it was a leaf. But then, as it came drifting down, I realized, that no, it was indeed a butterfly. It was so graceful, so fine. And softly, it fluttered away.
I was worried I had hit it with the basketball, I dearly hope not.
Went out to JUSCO today to buy hot pot food (which was delicious, by the way).
Really did dress up, haha!
Wore my teal skirt with tights and my floral print shoes, plus a hoodie to top it off which didn't really match, but I do love it. Plus two rings, my metal chain bracelet and my umbrella necklace.
I saw a watch-ring the other day, I want it!
Might get it when it gets cheaper.
Reading 'A Wrinkle in Time', which is simple but I love.
Quotes will definitely be posted.
Bye guys!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Best wishes,
Your blogger
P.S. Loving the floral photography? Not by me though, haha!
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